
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Contract Awarded - El Salvador - Contratación de alquiler de vehículos para movilización de especialistas facilitadores del taller en Parto Respetado - OP00183222 --|||-- Recruitment of vehicle rental for the mobilization of specialist facilitators of the Respected Childbirth workshop

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This tender with title Contract Awarded - El Salvador - Contratación de alquiler de vehículos para movilización de especialistas facilitadores del taller en Parto Respetado - OP00183222 --|||-- Recruitment of vehicle rental for the mobilization of specialist facilitators of the Respected Childbirth workshop -- Signed Contract Price: USD 4,800.00 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 12 Jun 2022 for the country of El Salvador. It has been categorized on Hire of passenger transport vehicles with driver & Hire of goods-transport vehicles with driver & Hire of passenger cars with driver. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Signed Contract Price: USD 4,800.00

General Information

Contract Awarded - El Salvador - Contratación de alquiler de vehículos para movilización de especialistas facilitadores del taller en Parto Respetado - OP00183222 --|||-- Recruitment of vehicle rental for the mobilization of specialist facilitators of the Respected Childbirth workshop
Signed Contract Price: USD 4,800.00
Contract Award
El Salvador
12 Jun 2022
Hire of passenger transport vehicles with driver , Hire of goods-transport vehicles with driver , Hire of passenger cars with driver

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