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Contract Awarded - Guinea-Bissau - Fourniture, installation, paramètrage du logiciel de gestion des projets HIPROJECT, et formation du personnel du projet en matière de son utilisation - OP00182899 --|||-- Supply, installation, configuration of the HIPROJECT project management software, and training of project staff in its use

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This tender with title Contract Awarded - Guinea-Bissau - Fourniture, installation, paramètrage du logiciel de gestion des projets HIPROJECT, et formation du personnel du projet en matière de son utilisation - OP00182899 --|||-- Supply, installation, configuration of the HIPROJECT project management software, and training of project staff in its use -- Signed Contract Price: XOF 25,600,000 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 08 Jun 2022 for the country of Guinea-Bissau. It has been categorized on Software package and information systems & Project-management services other than for construction work & Education and training services & Project management software development services & Construction project management services & Project management software package. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Signed Contract Price: XOF 25,600,000

General Information

Contract Awarded - Guinea-Bissau - Fourniture, installation, paramètrage du logiciel de gestion des projets HIPROJECT, et formation du personnel du projet en matière de son utilisation - OP00182899 --|||-- Supply, installation, configuration of the HIPROJECT project management software, and training of project staff in its use
Signed Contract Price: XOF 25,600,000
Contract Award
8 Jun 2022
Software package and information systems , Project-management services other than for construction work , Education and training services , Project management software development services , Construction project management services , Project management software package

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