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Execução de toldos nos espaços recreativos da Divisão de Educação Infantil e Complementar - DEdIC - DGRH

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This tender with title Execução de toldos nos espaços recreativos da Divisão de Educação Infantil e Complementar - DEdIC - DGRH -- Execution of awnings in the recreational spaces of the Division of Child and Complementary Education - DEdIC - DGRH has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 06 Jun 2022 for the country of Brazil. It has been categorized on Awnings. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Execution of awnings in the recreational spaces of the Division of Child and Complementary Education - DEdIC - DGRH

General Information

Execução de toldos nos espaços recreativos da Divisão de Educação Infantil e Complementar - DEdIC - DGRH
Execution of awnings in the recreational spaces of the Division of Child and Complementary Education - DEdIC - DGRH
Invitation for Bids
PE DGA 286/2022
6 Jun 2022
20 Jun 2022

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