This tender with title 1.1.- Suministro de hasta 872 m2 de alfombra. 1.2.- Colocación de alfombras en la Sala de Esparcimiento Colonia Sacramento, sita en Calle Rivadavia esquina Dr. Washington Barbot, de acuerdo a lo indicado en los planos que se adjuntan y que se consideran parte integrante del presente pliego. -- 1.1.- Supply of up to 872 m2 of carpet. 1.2.- Placement of carpets in the Colonia Sacramento Recreation Room, located on Calle Rivadavia corner Dr. Washington Barbot, according to what is indicated in the attached plans and which are considered an integral part of these specifications. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 30 May 2022 for the country of Uruguay . It has been categorized on Carpets. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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