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Licitación Púbica Nacional LPN-KfW-PROEDUC IV-BNS-01-2022 Adquisición de accesorios p/baños, utensilios de cocina y limpieza, suministros de ferretería y librería, cilindros de gas, rótulos y maniquíes p/centros educativos de Jalapa, Quiché, Huehuetenango, Chiquimula, Alta Verapaz y Baja Verapaz.

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This tender with title Licitación Púbica Nacional LPN-KfW-PROEDUC IV-BNS-01-2022 Adquisición de accesorios p/baños, utensilios de cocina y limpieza, suministros de ferretería y librería, cilindros de gas, rótulos y maniquíes p/centros educativos de Jalapa, Quiché, Huehuetenango, Chiquimula, Alta Verapaz y Baja Verapaz. -- National Public Tender LPN-KfW-PROEDUC IV-BNS-01-2022 Acquisition of accessories for bathrooms, kitchen and cleaning utensils, hardware and bookstore supplies, gas cylinders, signs and mannequins for educational centers in Jalapa, Quiché, Huehuetenango, Chiquimula, Alta Verapaz and Baja Verapaz. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 17 May 2022 for the country of Guatemala. It has been categorized on Gas cylinders & Signs and related items & Signs and illuminated signs & Kitchen furniture and equipment. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

National Public Tender LPN-KfW-PROEDUC IV-BNS-01-2022 Acquisition of accessories for bathrooms, kitchen and cleaning utensils, hardware and bookstore supplies, gas cylinders, signs and mannequins for educational centers in Jalapa, Quiché, Huehuetenango, Chiquimula, Alta Verapaz and Baja Verapaz.

General Information

Licitación Púbica Nacional LPN-KfW-PROEDUC IV-BNS-01-2022 Adquisición de accesorios p/baños, utensilios de cocina y limpieza, suministros de ferretería y librería, cilindros de gas, rótulos y maniquíes p/centros educativos de Jalapa, Quiché, Huehuetenango, Chiquimula, Alta Verapaz y Baja Verapaz.
National Public Tender LPN-KfW-PROEDUC IV-BNS-01-2022 Acquisition of accessories for bathrooms, kitchen and cleaning utensils, hardware and bookstore supplies, gas cylinders, signs and mannequins for educational centers in Jalapa, Quiché, Huehuetenango, Chiquimula, Alta Verapaz and Baja Verapaz.
Invitation to Tender
17 May 2022
16 Jun 2022
Gas cylinders , Signs and related items , Signs and illuminated signs , Kitchen furniture and equipment

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