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Concession de service public pour installation, mise en service, gestion et location de téléviseurs aux patients et vente de prestations de téléphonie aux patients du GHT de l'Aube et du Sézannai

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This tender with title Concession de service public pour installation, mise en service, gestion et location de téléviseurs aux patients et vente de prestations de téléphonie aux patients du GHT de l'Aube et du Sézannai -- Public service concession for the installation, commissioning, management and rental of televisions to patients and sale of telephony services to patients of the Aube and Sézannai GHTs has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 04 May 2022 for the country of France. It has been categorized on Installation services of television equipment & Installation services of line telephony equipment. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Public service concession for the installation, commissioning, management and rental of televisions to patients and sale of telephony services to patients of the Aube and Sézannai GHTs

General Information

Concession de service public pour installation, mise en service, gestion et location de téléviseurs aux patients et vente de prestations de téléphonie aux patients du GHT de l'Aube et du Sézannai
Public service concession for the installation, commissioning, management and rental of televisions to patients and sale of telephony services to patients of the Aube and Sézannai GHTs
Invitation for Bids
4 May 2022
Installation services of television equipment , Installation services of line telephony equipment

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