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Contract Award - Djibouti - Recrutement d'un Consultant International long terme pour la Direction Générale (DG) de l'INSD. - 7262

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This tender with title Contract Award - Djibouti - Recrutement d'un Consultant International long terme pour la Direction Générale (DG) de l'INSD. - 7262 -- Recruitment of a long-term International Consultant for the General Management (DG) of INSD. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 01 May 2022 for the country of Djibouti. It has been categorized on Business and management consultancy and related services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Recruitment of a long-term International Consultant for the General Management (DG) of INSD.

General Information

Contract Award - Djibouti - Recrutement d'un Consultant International long terme pour la Direction Générale (DG) de l'INSD. - 7262
Recruitment of a long-term International Consultant for the General Management (DG) of INSD.
Contract Award
1 May 2022
Business and management consultancy and related services

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