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종촌중 연결데크 차양 및 기타공사

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This tender with title 종촌중 연결데크 차양 및 기타공사 -- Connecting deck awning and other work in Jongchon Middle School has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 28 Apr 2022 for the country of Korea, South. It has been categorized on Awnings. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Connecting deck awning and other work in Jongchon Middle School

General Information

종촌중 연결데크 차양 및 기타공사
Connecting deck awning and other work in Jongchon Middle School
Invitation to Tender
20220445979 - 00
Korea, South
28 Apr 2022
4 May 2022

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