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Avis d’appel d’offre pour la conception, fourniture et installation d’équipements hydro-électromécaniques, d’une ligne d’évacuation de 33kV, de sous-stations et de travaux de génie civil associés pour la centrale hydroélectrique de Gbedin Falls (~9,4MW) dans le comté de Nimba au Liberia

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Avis d’appel d’offre pour la conception, fourniture et installation d’équipements hydro-électromécaniques, d’une ligne d’évacuation de 33kV, de sous-stations et de travaux de génie civil associés pour la centrale hydroélectrique de Gbedin Falls (~9,4MW) dans le comté de Nimba au Liberia -- Invitation to tender for the design, supply and installation of hydro-electromechanical equipment, a 33kV evacuation line, substations and associated civil works for the Gbedin Falls hydroelectric power station ( ~9.4MW) in Nimba County, Liberia has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 15 Apr 2022 for the country of Liberia. It has been categorized on Electricity distribution and related services & Substation equipment & Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment & Installation services of mechanical equipment & Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work & Substation construction work & Electromechanical equipment & Hydro-electric plant construction work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Invitation to tender for the design, supply and installation of hydro-electromechanical equipment, a 33kV evacuation line, substations and associated civil works for the Gbedin Falls hydroelectric power station ( ~9.4MW) in Nimba County, Liberia

General Information

Avis d’appel d’offre pour la conception, fourniture et installation d’équipements hydro-électromécaniques, d’une ligne d’évacuation de 33kV, de sous-stations et de travaux de génie civil associés pour la centrale hydroélectrique de Gbedin Falls (~9,4MW) dans le comté de Nimba au Liberia
Invitation to tender for the design, supply and installation of hydro-electromechanical equipment, a 33kV evacuation line, substations and associated civil works for the Gbedin Falls hydroelectric power station ( ~9.4MW) in Nimba County, Liberia
Invitation to Tender
15 Apr 2022
Electricity distribution and related services , Substation equipment , Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment , Installation services of mechanical equipment , Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work , Substation construction work , Electromechanical equipment , Hydro-electric plant construction work

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