
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Suministro e instalación de tres (3) dispensadores de policarbonato de agua con sistema de dispensador de agua fría y caliente y al clima, con enfriamiento con compresor no requiere botellón y de acuerdo a lo señalado en el acuerdo maro de precios de grandes superficies de la Agencia Nacional de Colombia compra eficiente “Tienda Virtual”.

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This tender with title Suministro e instalación de tres (3) dispensadores de policarbonato de agua con sistema de dispensador de agua fría y caliente y al clima, con enfriamiento con compresor no requiere botellón y de acuerdo a lo señalado en el acuerdo maro de precios de grandes superficies de la Agencia Nacional de Colombia compra eficiente “Tienda Virtual”. -- Supply and installation of three (3) polycarbonate water dispensers with a hot and cold water dispenser system and climate control, with compressor cooling that does not require a bottle and in accordance with the provisions of the maro price agreement for large areas of the National Agency of Colombia efficient purchase "Virtual Store". has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 15 Apr 2022 for the country of Colombia . It has been categorized on Cooling and ventilation equipment & Installation services of compressors & Carbonates & Drinks dispensers & Compressors & Dispensers & Installation work of cooling equipment. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Supply and installation of three (3) polycarbonate water dispensers with a hot and cold water dispenser system and climate control, with compressor cooling that does not require a bottle and in accordance with the provisions of the maro price agreement for large areas of the National Agency of Colombia efficient purchase "Virtual Store".

General Information

Suministro e instalación de tres (3) dispensadores de policarbonato de agua con sistema de dispensador de agua fría y caliente y al clima, con enfriamiento con compresor no requiere botellón y de acuerdo a lo señalado en el acuerdo maro de precios de grandes superficies de la Agencia Nacional de Colombia compra eficiente “Tienda Virtual”.
Supply and installation of three (3) polycarbonate water dispensers with a hot and cold water dispenser system and climate control, with compressor cooling that does not require a bottle and in accordance with the provisions of the maro price agreement for large areas of the National Agency of Colombia efficient purchase "Virtual Store".
Invitation to Tender
15 Apr 2022
30 Apr 2022
Cooling and ventilation equipment , Installation services of compressors , Carbonates , Drinks dispensers , Compressors , Dispensers , Installation work of cooling equipment

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