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Compra e instalacion de antena de comunicacion V , en Base Usina 3. Enviar cotizaciones al mail: compras.limpieza@imm.gub.uy

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This tender with title Compra e instalacion de antena de comunicacion V , en Base Usina 3. Enviar cotizaciones al mail: compras.limpieza@imm.gub.uy -- Purchase and installation of communication antenna V, at Base Usina 3. Send quotes to the mail:Compras.limpuerta@imm.gub.uy has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 05 Apr 2022 for the country of Uruguay . It has been categorized on Antenna installation work & Alarm system and antenna installation work & Satellite antennas. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Purchase and installation of communication antenna V, at Base Usina 3. Send quotes to the mail:Compras.limpuerta@imm.gub.uy

General Information

Compra e instalacion de antena de comunicacion V , en Base Usina 3. Enviar cotizaciones al mail: compras.limpieza@imm.gub.uy
Purchase and installation of communication antenna V, at Base Usina 3. Send quotes to the mail:Compras.limpuerta@imm.gub.uy
Invitation to Tender
5 Apr 2022
7 Apr 2022
Antenna installation work , Alarm system and antenna installation work , Satellite antennas

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