
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Brazil - Contratacao de consultoria para desenvolvimento de pesquisa Coordenação da coleta e analise de dados meteorologicos para identificacao de mudanças no regime de vazoes e das principais variaveis de interesse para operacao do SIN

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This tender with title Brazil - Contratacao de consultoria para desenvolvimento de pesquisa Coordenação da coleta e analise de dados meteorologicos para identificacao de mudanças no regime de vazoes e das principais variaveis de interesse para operacao do SIN -- Contracting of consultancy for research development Coordination of the collection and analysis of meteorological data to identify changes in the flow regime and the main variables of interest for the operation of the SIN has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 05 Apr 2022 for the country of Brazil. It has been categorized on Meteorology services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Contracting of consultancy for research development Coordination of the collection and analysis of meteorological data to identify changes in the flow regime and the main variables of interest for the operation of the SIN

General Information

Brazil - Contratacao de consultoria para desenvolvimento de pesquisa Coordenação da coleta e analise de dados meteorologicos para identificacao de mudanças no regime de vazoes e das principais variaveis de interesse para operacao do SIN
Contracting of consultancy for research development Coordination of the collection and analysis of meteorological data to identify changes in the flow regime and the main variables of interest for the operation of the SIN
Invitation for Bids
5 Apr 2022
13 Apr 2022
Meteorology services

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