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se solicitan bolsas para botiquines de urmo Bolsas para residuos biologicos bolsas tipo Ziplock de 7*13 bolsas tipo ziplock de 20*25

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title se solicitan bolsas para botiquines de urmo Bolsas para residuos biologicos bolsas tipo Ziplock de 7*13 bolsas tipo ziplock de 20*25 -- urmo first aid bags are requested Bags for biological waste Ziplock bags of 7*13 ziplock bags of 20*25 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 04 Apr 2022 for the country of Uruguay . It has been categorized on Removal services of biological waste. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

urmo first aid bags are requested Bags for biological waste Ziplock bags of 7*13 ziplock bags of 20*25

General Information

se solicitan bolsas para botiquines de urmo Bolsas para residuos biologicos bolsas tipo Ziplock de 7*13 bolsas tipo ziplock de 20*25
urmo first aid bags are requested Bags for biological waste Ziplock bags of 7*13 ziplock bags of 20*25
Invitation to Tender
4 Apr 2022
7 Apr 2022
Removal services of biological waste

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