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Сэндвич-панели в комплекте с фасонными и крепежными элементами на объект: «Строительство склада тракторокомплектов цеха консервации и упаковки склада готовой продукции по ул. Долгобродской, 29. Складской корпус с рампой для отгрузки тракторокомплектов».

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This tender with title Сэндвич-панели в комплекте с фасонными и крепежными элементами на объект: «Строительство склада тракторокомплектов цеха консервации и упаковки склада готовой продукции по ул. Долгобродской, 29. Складской корпус с рампой для отгрузки тракторокомплектов». -- Sandwich panels complete with shaped and fasteners for the object: "Construction of a warehouse for tractor sets of a conservation and packaging workshop for a warehouse for finished products on the street. Dolgobrodskoy, 29. Warehouse building with a ramp for the shipment of tractor kits. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 14 Mar 2022 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Construction work for warehouses & Fasteners & Building construction work & Panels & Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs & Tractors & Warehouse stores construction work & Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work & Copper fasteners. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Sandwich panels complete with shaped and fasteners for the object: "Construction of a warehouse for tractor sets of a conservation and packaging workshop for a warehouse for finished products on the street. Dolgobrodskoy, 29. Warehouse building with a ramp for the shipment of tractor kits.

General Information

Сэндвич-панели в комплекте с фасонными и крепежными элементами на объект: «Строительство склада тракторокомплектов цеха консервации и упаковки склада готовой продукции по ул. Долгобродской, 29. Складской корпус с рампой для отгрузки тракторокомплектов».
Sandwich panels complete with shaped and fasteners for the object: "Construction of a warehouse for tractor sets of a conservation and packaging workshop for a warehouse for finished products on the street. Dolgobrodskoy, 29. Warehouse building with a ramp for the shipment of tractor kits.
Invitation to Tender
14 Mar 2022
18 Mar 2022
Construction work for warehouses , Fasteners , Building construction work , Panels , Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs , Tractors , Warehouse stores construction work , Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work , Copper fasteners

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