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GA įrengimo molinio pagrindo uolienose bendrinės koncepcijos parengimo paslaugųos

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This tender with title GA įrengimo molinio pagrindo uolienose bendrinės koncepcijos parengimo paslaugųos -- Research and development consultancy services has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 14 Mar 2022 for the country of Lithuania. It has been categorized on Research and development consultancy services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Research and development consultancy services

General Information

GA įrengimo molinio pagrindo uolienose bendrinės koncepcijos parengimo paslaugųos
Research and development consultancy services
Invitation for Bids
2022/S 050-129318
14 Mar 2022
12 Apr 2022
Research and development consultancy services

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