
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Contract Award - Procurement of Safety Gears for Crops (20xSafety Vest, 20xSafety Boots, 20xSafety Overall, 12xRaincoat) - OP00169309

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This tender with title Contract Award - Procurement of Safety Gears for Crops (20xSafety Vest, 20xSafety Boots, 20xSafety Overall, 12xRaincoat) - OP00169309 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 13 Mar 2022 for the country of Samoa. It has been categorized on Climbing boots & Safety equipment & Raincoats & Police equipment & Calf boots & Football boots & Safety vests & Knee boots & Boots & Ankle boots. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

General Information

Contract Award - Procurement of Safety Gears for Crops (20xSafety Vest, 20xSafety Boots, 20xSafety Overall, 12xRaincoat) - OP00169309
Contract Award
13 Mar 2022
Climbing boots , Safety equipment , Raincoats , Police equipment , Calf boots , Football boots , Safety vests , Knee boots , Boots , Ankle boots

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