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Contract Award - Malena Piedrabuena - Cr. AIN para realizar el procesamiento de datos, análisis y sistematización de la información recabada o producida en el cumplimiento de los cometidos de AIN. - OP00168761

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This tender with title Contract Award - Malena Piedrabuena - Cr. AIN para realizar el procesamiento de datos, análisis y sistematización de la información recabada o producida en el cumplimiento de los cometidos de AIN. - OP00168761 -- Malena Piedrabuena - Cr. AIN to carry out data processing, analysis and systematization of the information collected or produced in the fulfillment of AIN's tasks. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 05 Mar 2022 for the country of Uruguay . It has been categorized on Data-processing equipment & Data-processing machines (hardware) & Miscellaneous computer equipment. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Malena Piedrabuena - Cr. AIN to carry out data processing, analysis and systematization of the information collected or produced in the fulfillment of AIN's tasks.

General Information

Contract Award - Malena Piedrabuena - Cr. AIN para realizar el procesamiento de datos, análisis y sistematización de la información recabada o producida en el cumplimiento de los cometidos de AIN. - OP00168761
Malena Piedrabuena - Cr. AIN to carry out data processing, analysis and systematization of the information collected or produced in the fulfillment of AIN's tasks.
Contract Award
5 Mar 2022
Data-processing equipment , Data-processing machines (hardware) , Miscellaneous computer equipment

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