
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Закупка услуги по вывозу и обращению с отходами производства (последующая подготовка, захоронение, обезвреживание и / или использование) с объектов предприятия

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Закупка услуги по вывозу и обращению с отходами производства (последующая подготовка, захоронение, обезвреживание и / или использование) с объектов предприятия -- Procurement of services for the removal and management of production waste (subsequent preparation, disposal, neutralization and / or use) from the enterprise's facilities has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 14 Feb 2022 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Refuse and waste related services & Refuse disposal and treatment. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Procurement of services for the removal and management of production waste (subsequent preparation, disposal, neutralization and / or use) from the enterprise's facilities

General Information

Закупка услуги по вывозу и обращению с отходами производства (последующая подготовка, захоронение, обезвреживание и / или использование) с объектов предприятия
Procurement of services for the removal and management of production waste (subsequent preparation, disposal, neutralization and / or use) from the enterprise's facilities
Invitation to Tender
14 Feb 2022
18 Feb 2022
Refuse and waste related services , Refuse disposal and treatment

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