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Текущий ремонт здания административно-хозяйственного (инв.№100122), здания центральной заводской лаборатории (инв.№100110), здания механосборочного цеха№1 (инв.№100000), здания механосборочного корпуса 33 *инв.№100003), здания прессового корпуса (инв.№100035), литейного цеха №3 (инв.№100091), помещения сталелитейного корпуса (№100086), здания термообрубного отделения (инв.№100088) ОАО "МТЗ". Огнезащита в цехах.

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Текущий ремонт здания административно-хозяйственного (инв.№100122), здания центральной заводской лаборатории (инв.№100110), здания механосборочного цеха№1 (инв.№100000), здания механосборочного корпуса 33 *инв.№100003), здания прессового корпуса (инв.№100035), литейного цеха №3 (инв.№100091), помещения сталелитейного корпуса (№100086), здания термообрубного отделения (инв.№100088) ОАО "МТЗ". Огнезащита в цехах. -- Current repair of the administrative building (Inv. No. 100122), the building of the central factory laboratory (Inv. No. 100110), the building of the machine assembly shop No. 1 (Inv. No. 100000), the building of the mechanical assembly building 33 * Inv. No. 100003), the building of the press building (Inv. No. 100035), foundry shop No. 3 (Inv. No. 100091), premises of the steel building (No. 100086), building of the thermal cutting department (Inv. No. 100088) of MTZ OJSC. Fire protection in workshops. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 31 Jan 2022 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Repair and maintenance services & Fire-protection devices & Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) & Miscellaneous fire-protection equipment & Fire-prevention installation works & Laboratory building construction work & Repair and maintenance services of mechanical building installations & Fire-prevention services & Overhaul and refurbishment work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Current repair of the administrative building (Inv. No. 100122), the building of the central factory laboratory (Inv. No. 100110), the building of the machine assembly shop No. 1 (Inv. No. 100000), the building of the mechanical assembly building 33 * Inv. No. 100003), the building of the press building (Inv. No. 100035), foundry shop No. 3 (Inv. No. 100091), premises of the steel building (No. 100086), building of the thermal cutting department (Inv. No. 100088) of MTZ OJSC. Fire protection in workshops.

General Information

Текущий ремонт здания административно-хозяйственного (инв.№100122), здания центральной заводской лаборатории (инв.№100110), здания механосборочного цеха№1 (инв.№100000), здания механосборочного корпуса 33 *инв.№100003), здания прессового корпуса (инв.№100035), литейного цеха №3 (инв.№100091), помещения сталелитейного корпуса (№100086), здания термообрубного отделения (инв.№100088) ОАО "МТЗ". Огнезащита в цехах.
Current repair of the administrative building (Inv. No. 100122), the building of the central factory laboratory (Inv. No. 100110), the building of the machine assembly shop No. 1 (Inv. No. 100000), the building of the mechanical assembly building 33 * Inv. No. 100003), the building of the press building (Inv. No. 100035), foundry shop No. 3 (Inv. No. 100091), premises of the steel building (No. 100086), building of the thermal cutting department (Inv. No. 100088) of MTZ OJSC. Fire protection in workshops.
Invitation to Tender
31 Jan 2022
8 Feb 2022
Repair and maintenance services , Fire-protection devices , Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) , Miscellaneous fire-protection equipment , Fire-prevention installation works , Laboratory building construction work , Repair and maintenance services of mechanical building installations , Fire-prevention services , Overhaul and refurbishment work

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