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تنفيذ مشروع تعبيد وتزفيت طريق تنظيمي وطريق إفرازي شادي بيطار ضمن قطاع بلدية متن الساحل

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This tender with title تنفيذ مشروع تعبيد وتزفيت طريق تنظيمي وطريق إفرازي شادي بيطار ضمن قطاع بلدية متن الساحل -- Implementation of the project of asphalting and asphalting a regulatory road and excretory road by Shadi Bitar within the Matn Sahel municipality sector has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 20 Jan 2022 for the country of Syria. It has been categorized on Construction work for highways, roads & Paving and asphalting works & Road construction works. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Implementation of the project of asphalting and asphalting a regulatory road and excretory road by Shadi Bitar within the Matn Sahel municipality sector

General Information

تنفيذ مشروع تعبيد وتزفيت طريق تنظيمي وطريق إفرازي شادي بيطار ضمن قطاع بلدية متن الساحل
Implementation of the project of asphalting and asphalting a regulatory road and excretory road by Shadi Bitar within the Matn Sahel municipality sector
Invitation to Tender
20 Jan 2022
Construction work for highways, roads , Paving and asphalting works , Road construction works

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