
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Recrutement d1e ONG locale pour l'intermédiation sociale dans les zones à risques d'extrémismes violents, la formation et sensibilisation des acteurs (Maîtres-artisans, formateurs des CFP, apprentis, jeunes femmes, ...) sur les VBG/HS/VcE ds l'Atacora

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Recrutement d1e ONG locale pour l'intermédiation sociale dans les zones à risques d'extrémismes violents, la formation et sensibilisation des acteurs (Maîtres-artisans, formateurs des CFP, apprentis, jeunes femmes, ...) sur les VBG/HS/VcE ds l'Atacora -- Recruitment of a local NGO for social intermediation in areas at risk of violent extremism, training and awareness of actors (Master craftsmen, CFP trainers, apprentices, young women, etc.) on GBV/SH/VcE from the Atacora has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 20 Jan 2022 for the country of Benin. It has been categorized on Education and training services & Social services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Recruitment of a local NGO for social intermediation in areas at risk of violent extremism, training and awareness of actors (Master craftsmen, CFP trainers, apprentices, young women, etc.) on GBV/SH/VcE from the Atacora

General Information

Recrutement d1e ONG locale pour l'intermédiation sociale dans les zones à risques d'extrémismes violents, la formation et sensibilisation des acteurs (Maîtres-artisans, formateurs des CFP, apprentis, jeunes femmes, ...) sur les VBG/HS/VcE ds l'Atacora
Recruitment of a local NGO for social intermediation in areas at risk of violent extremism, training and awareness of actors (Master craftsmen, CFP trainers, apprentices, young women, etc.) on GBV/SH/VcE from the Atacora
Invitation for Bids
20 Jan 2022
28 Jan 2022
Education and training services , Social services

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