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Разработка проектно-сметной документации по капитальному ремонту с заменой 2-х пассажирских лифтов и демонтажу 1-го пассажирского лифта в здании инженерно-лабораторного корпуса по адресу: г.Минск, пер.Домашевский, д.11

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This tender with title Разработка проектно-сметной документации по капитальному ремонту с заменой 2-х пассажирских лифтов и демонтажу 1-го пассажирского лифта в здании инженерно-лабораторного корпуса по адресу: г.Минск, пер.Домашевский, д.11 -- Development of design estimates for overhaul with the replacement of 2 passenger elevators and dismantling of the 1st passenger elevator in the building of the engineering and laboratory building at the address: Minsk, Domashevsky lane, 11 has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 28 Dec 2021 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Laboratory building construction work & Elevators and conveyors & Dismantling works. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Development of design estimates for overhaul with the replacement of 2 passenger elevators and dismantling of the 1st passenger elevator in the building of the engineering and laboratory building at the address: Minsk, Domashevsky lane, 11

General Information

Разработка проектно-сметной документации по капитальному ремонту с заменой 2-х пассажирских лифтов и демонтажу 1-го пассажирского лифта в здании инженерно-лабораторного корпуса по адресу: г.Минск, пер.Домашевский, д.11
Development of design estimates for overhaul with the replacement of 2 passenger elevators and dismantling of the 1st passenger elevator in the building of the engineering and laboratory building at the address: Minsk, Domashevsky lane, 11
Invitation to Tender
28 Dec 2021
30 Dec 2021
Laboratory building construction work , Elevators and conveyors , Dismantling works

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