This tender with title la réalisation des travaux de restauration et de réhabilitation des Drazs, Msids, Fours et Latrines dans la médina de Fès, ville de Fès, en trois lots séparés : - Lot n°1 : Latrine Sidi Bounafae, Latrine Boulakhsissat et Msid Bab Semmarine ; - Lot n°2 : Draz 5 Oued Chourrafae, Four Derb Ben Chelouche, Four Rass Jnane et Latrine 31 Akbat Sayoure Rahbat Zbib ; - Lot n°3 : Latrine Quasbat Nouar, Msid Lfalah et Msid Najjah. -- the carrying out of the restoration and rehabilitation works of the Drazs, Msids, Ovens and Latrines in the medina of Fez, city of Fez, in three separate lots: - Lot n ° 1: Latrine Sidi Bounafae, Latrine Boulakhsissat and Msid Bab Semmarine; - Lot n ° 2: Draz 5 Oued Chourrafae, Four Derb Ben Chelouche, Four Rass Jnane and Latrine 31 Akbat Sayoure Rahbat Zbib; - Lot n ° 3: Latrine Quasbat Nouar, Msid Lfalah and Msid Najjah. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 22 Dec 2021 for the country of Morocco. It has been categorized on Ovens & Marine construction works & Overhaul and refurbishment work & Restoration work & Ovens and accessories. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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