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تنفيذ مشروع (صرف صحي لبعض الشوارع لقرية لالا محمد التابعة لمجلس بلدة عطشانة جب ميري لعام 2021م)

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This tender with title تنفيذ مشروع (صرف صحي لبعض الشوارع لقرية لالا محمد التابعة لمجلس بلدة عطشانة جب ميري لعام 2021م) -- Implementation of a project (sanitary drainage of some streets for the village of Lala Muhammad affiliated to the Atshana Jeb Meri Town Council for the year 2021 AD) has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 13 Dec 2021 for the country of Syria. It has been categorized on Drainage works & Plumbing and sanitary works & Sanitary works & Drainage construction works. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Implementation of a project (sanitary drainage of some streets for the village of Lala Muhammad affiliated to the Atshana Jeb Meri Town Council for the year 2021 AD)

General Information

تنفيذ مشروع (صرف صحي لبعض الشوارع لقرية لالا محمد التابعة لمجلس بلدة عطشانة جب ميري لعام 2021م)
Implementation of a project (sanitary drainage of some streets for the village of Lala Muhammad affiliated to the Atshana Jeb Meri Town Council for the year 2021 AD)
Invitation to Tender
13 Dec 2021
Drainage works , Plumbing and sanitary works , Sanitary works , Drainage construction works

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