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Moyens roulants-Acquisitions de véhicules et motos pour l'UGP, l'ENERCA et DGE pour la supervision du projet

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This tender with title Moyens roulants-Acquisitions de véhicules et motos pour l'UGP, l'ENERCA et DGE pour la supervision du projet -- Rolling means-Acquisition of vehicles and motorcycles for the PMU, ENERCA and DGE for project supervision has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 11 Dec 2021 for the country of Central African Rep.. It has been categorized on Construction supervision services & Motorcycles & Project-supervision services other than for construction work & Supervision of project and documentation & Motor vehicles. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Rolling means-Acquisition of vehicles and motorcycles for the PMU, ENERCA and DGE for project supervision

General Information

Moyens roulants-Acquisitions de véhicules et motos pour l'UGP, l'ENERCA et DGE pour la supervision du projet
Rolling means-Acquisition of vehicles and motorcycles for the PMU, ENERCA and DGE for project supervision
Contract Award
Central African Rep.
11 Dec 2021
Construction supervision services , Motorcycles , Project-supervision services other than for construction work , Supervision of project and documentation , Motor vehicles

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