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Consultoría evaluación de alternativas para conexión vial entre Anillo Norte y acceso a Yahuarcocha, Optimización del trazado Anillo Sur y estudios definitivos de ingeniería, social y ambiental para alternativa seleccionada y trazado definitivo Anillo Sur

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This tender with title Consultoría evaluación de alternativas para conexión vial entre Anillo Norte y acceso a Yahuarcocha, Optimización del trazado Anillo Sur y estudios definitivos de ingeniería, social y ambiental para alternativa seleccionada y trazado definitivo Anillo Sur -- Consultancy evaluation of alternatives for the road connection between the North Ring and access to Yahuarcocha, Optimization of the South Ring route and final engineering, social and environmental studies for the selected alternative and the South South Ring route has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 11 Dec 2021 for the country of Ecuador . It has been categorized on Environmental issues consultancy services & Environmental engineering consultancy services & Advisory and consultative engineering services & Consultative engineering and construction services & Environmental services & Evaluation consultancy services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Consultancy evaluation of alternatives for the road connection between the North Ring and access to Yahuarcocha, Optimization of the South Ring route and final engineering, social and environmental studies for the selected alternative and the South South Ring route

General Information

Consultoría evaluación de alternativas para conexión vial entre Anillo Norte y acceso a Yahuarcocha, Optimización del trazado Anillo Sur y estudios definitivos de ingeniería, social y ambiental para alternativa seleccionada y trazado definitivo Anillo Sur
Consultancy evaluation of alternatives for the road connection between the North Ring and access to Yahuarcocha, Optimization of the South Ring route and final engineering, social and environmental studies for the selected alternative and the South South Ring route
Contract Award
11 Dec 2021
Environmental issues consultancy services , Environmental engineering consultancy services , Advisory and consultative engineering services , Consultative engineering and construction services , Environmental services , Evaluation consultancy services

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