This tender with title Dirección General de Registros convoca a empresas interesadas en cotizar Suministro y colocación de vinilos decorativo con leyenda en vidrios interiores y cartel en vinilo o lona para las oficinas de Ventanilla se deberá concurrir a una visita de carácter obligatorio la misma se podrá realizar de lunes viernes en el horario de 10 a 14 y hasta el día previa a la apertura dirigirse al 6º piso (se entregará constancia de visita sellada y firmada la que deberán adjuntar electrónicamente junto a su oferta.) VER ARCHIVO ADJUNTO CON ESPECIFICACIONES -- General Directorate of Registries calls for companies interested in making a quote Supply and placement of decorative vinyl with legend on interior glass and vinyl or canvas poster for the Ventanilla offices, a mandatory visit must be attended, which may be carried out from Monday to Friday in From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and until the day before the opening, go to the 6th floor (a sealed and signed proof of visit will be delivered, which must be attached electronically along with your offer.) SEE ATTACHED FILE WITH SPECIFICATIONS has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 08 Dec 2021 for the country of Uruguay . It has been categorized on Canvas. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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