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Prestation d’épreuve des appareils sous pression de gaz et des bouteilles de protection incendie CO2 des centrales TAG de Mohammedia 3x100 MW, Mohammedia 3x33MW et Tit Mellil

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This tender with title Prestation d’épreuve des appareils sous pression de gaz et des bouteilles de protection incendie CO2 des centrales TAG de Mohammedia 3x100 MW, Mohammedia 3x33MW et Tit Mellil -- Test service for gas pressure devices and CO2 fire protection cylinders for TAG power plants in Mohammedia 3x100 MW, Mohammedia 3x33MW and Tit Mellil has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 06 Dec 2021 for the country of Morocco. It has been categorized on Gas cylinders & Fire-protection devices & Miscellaneous fire-protection equipment & Gas pressure equipment & Fire-prevention services & Fire-prevention installation works. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Test service for gas pressure devices and CO2 fire protection cylinders for TAG power plants in Mohammedia 3x100 MW, Mohammedia 3x33MW and Tit Mellil

General Information

Prestation d’épreuve des appareils sous pression de gaz et des bouteilles de protection incendie CO2 des centrales TAG de Mohammedia 3x100 MW, Mohammedia 3x33MW et Tit Mellil
Test service for gas pressure devices and CO2 fire protection cylinders for TAG power plants in Mohammedia 3x100 MW, Mohammedia 3x33MW and Tit Mellil
Invitation to Tender
6 Dec 2021
20 Jan 2022
Gas cylinders , Fire-protection devices , Miscellaneous fire-protection equipment , Gas pressure equipment , Fire-prevention services , Fire-prevention installation works

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