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تأمين حليب أطفال (1-2) و مسحوق الدقيق و القمح لزوم المســــتشـــفى.

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This tender with title تأمين حليب أطفال (1-2) و مسحوق الدقيق و القمح لزوم المســــتشـــفى. -- Providing baby milk (1-2), flour and wheat powder, as necessary for the hospital. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 25 Nov 2021 for the country of Syria. It has been categorized on Wheat flour & Wheat. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Providing baby milk (1-2), flour and wheat powder, as necessary for the hospital.

General Information

تأمين حليب أطفال (1-2) و مسحوق الدقيق و القمح لزوم المســــتشـــفى.
Providing baby milk (1-2), flour and wheat powder, as necessary for the hospital.
Invitation to Tender
25 Nov 2021
Wheat flour , Wheat

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