
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Contract Award - Prestar sus servicios profesionales para el análisis de instrumentos y mecanismos financieros enfocado a los mercados financieros y de carbono, y orientado a la sostenibilidad y escalamiento de la restauración el marco del Programa Herencia Colombia. - OP00153918

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Contract Award - Prestar sus servicios profesionales para el análisis de instrumentos y mecanismos financieros enfocado a los mercados financieros y de carbono, y orientado a la sostenibilidad y escalamiento de la restauración el marco del Programa Herencia Colombia. - OP00153918 -- Provide their professional services for the analysis of financial instruments and mechanisms focused on the financial and carbon markets, and oriented to the sustainability and scaling of restoration within the framework of the Herencia Colombia Program. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 14 Nov 2021 for the country of Colombia . It has been categorized on Analysis apparatus & Restoration work & Detection and analysis apparatus. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Provide their professional services for the analysis of financial instruments and mechanisms focused on the financial and carbon markets, and oriented to the sustainability and scaling of restoration within the framework of the Herencia Colombia Program.

General Information

Contract Award - Prestar sus servicios profesionales para el análisis de instrumentos y mecanismos financieros enfocado a los mercados financieros y de carbono, y orientado a la sostenibilidad y escalamiento de la restauración el marco del Programa Herencia Colombia. - OP00153918
Provide their professional services for the analysis of financial instruments and mechanisms focused on the financial and carbon markets, and oriented to the sustainability and scaling of restoration within the framework of the Herencia Colombia Program.
Contract Award
14 Nov 2021
Analysis apparatus , Restoration work , Detection and analysis apparatus

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