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Contract Award - Contractualisation par entente Directe avec l'UNICEF pour la fourniture du Vaccin Johnson & Johnson pour le Gouvernement de la RDC dans le cadre du Financement additionnel COVID-19. - OP00152046

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This tender with title Contract Award - Contractualisation par entente Directe avec l'UNICEF pour la fourniture du Vaccin Johnson & Johnson pour le Gouvernement de la RDC dans le cadre du Financement additionnel COVID-19. - OP00152046 -- Contractualization by Direct agreement with UNICEF for the supply of the Vaccine Johnson & amp; Johnson for the Government of the DRC as part of the COVID-19 Additional Funding. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 06 Nov 2021 for the country of Congo, DR. It has been categorized on Vaccines & Pharmaceutical products. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Contractualization by Direct agreement with UNICEF for the supply of the Vaccine Johnson & amp; Johnson for the Government of the DRC as part of the COVID-19 Additional Funding.

General Information

Contract Award - Contractualisation par entente Directe avec l'UNICEF pour la fourniture du Vaccin Johnson & Johnson pour le Gouvernement de la RDC dans le cadre du Financement additionnel COVID-19. - OP00152046
Contractualization by Direct agreement with UNICEF for the supply of the Vaccine Johnson & amp; Johnson for the Government of the DRC as part of the COVID-19 Additional Funding.
Contract Award
Congo, DR
6 Nov 2021
Vaccines , Pharmaceutical products

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