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Le service achat de la CCI OCCITANIE lance le marché ' Etanchéité, reprise des menuiseries du tribunal d'instance et du tribunal de commerce' pour la CCI territoriale des Pyrénées-Orien

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This tender with title Le service achat de la CCI OCCITANIE lance le marché ' Etanchéité, reprise des menuiseries du tribunal d'instance et du tribunal de commerce' pour la CCI territoriale des Pyrénées-Orien -- The purchasing department of the CCI OCCITANIE launches the 'Sealing, resumption of joinery work from the district court and the commercial court' for the territorial CCI of Pyrénées-Orien has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 01 Nov 2021 for the country of France. It has been categorized on Lances. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

The purchasing department of the CCI OCCITANIE launches the 'Sealing, resumption of joinery work from the district court and the commercial court' for the territorial CCI of Pyrénées-Orien

General Information

Le service achat de la CCI OCCITANIE lance le marché ' Etanchéité, reprise des menuiseries du tribunal d'instance et du tribunal de commerce' pour la CCI territoriale des Pyrénées-Orien
The purchasing department of the CCI OCCITANIE launches the 'Sealing, resumption of joinery work from the district court and the commercial court' for the territorial CCI of Pyrénées-Orien
Invitation for Bids
1 Nov 2021
29 Nov 2021

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