This tender with title El Ministerio de Educación y Cultura invita a cotizar el siguiente ítem: 4 horas semanales de limpieza integral del local (limpieza de baños, pisos, aspiradora, etc). La empresa debe proveer los implementos y productos para la limpieza por lo cual deben estar incluídos en el presupuesto. Visita día jueves 28/10/21 de 12:00 a 16:30 hora, en Procuraduría General de la Nación; dirección: 18 de julio 1547, 6to piso esquina Tacuarembó (pegado a Iglesia del Cordón). Por consultas contactarse con Sr. José Alfaro ( Tel: 24004062. -- The Ministry of Education and Culture invites you to quote the following item: 4 hours a week of comprehensive cleaning of the premises (cleaning of bathrooms, floors, vacuum cleaner, etc). The company must provide the implements and cleaning products for which they must be included in the budget. Visit on Thursday 10/28/21 from 12:00 to 16:30, at the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation; Address: July 18, 1547, 6th floor at the corner of Tacuarembó (next to Iglesia del Cordón). For inquiries, contact Mr. José Alfaro ( Tel: 24004062. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 25 Oct 2021 for the country of Uruguay . It has been categorized on Cleaning services & Educational equipment & Cleaning and polishing products & Vacuum cleaners & Non-domestic vacuum cleaners & Accessories for vacuum cleaners & Cleaning products. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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