
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Создание системы электронного документооборота в части бизнес-процесса управление системой менеджмента качества и делопроизводства предприятия (включая мобильный и веб-доступ)

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Создание системы электронного документооборота в части бизнес-процесса управление системой менеджмента качества и делопроизводства предприятия (включая мобильный и веб-доступ) -- Creation of an electronic document management system in terms of the business process; management of the quality management system and office work of the enterprise (including mobile and web access) has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 22 Oct 2021 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Electronic equipment & Document management system & Document management software development services & Document management software package. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Creation of an electronic document management system in terms of the business process; management of the quality management system and office work of the enterprise (including mobile and web access)

General Information

Создание системы электронного документооборота в части бизнес-процесса управление системой менеджмента качества и делопроизводства предприятия (включая мобильный и веб-доступ)
Creation of an electronic document management system in terms of the business process; management of the quality management system and office work of the enterprise (including mobile and web access)
Invitation to Tender
22 Oct 2021
29 Oct 2021
Electronic equipment , Document management system , Document management software development services , Document management software package

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