This tender with title Поставка медицинского изделия (Комплект из 3 интегрированных операционных без операционного стола и 4 интегрированных операционных, включая комплекс чистых помещений в 4 предоперационных и 4 операционных, без операционного стола) на объект: "Хирургический корпус на 120 коек с поликлиникой на 200 п/смену ОГАУЗ "Томский областной онкологический диспансер", ввод в эксплуатацию, обучение правилам эксплуатации специалистов, эксплуатирующих медицинские изделия" -- Delivery of a medical device (A set of 3 integrated operating rooms without an operating table and 4 integrated operating rooms, including a complex of clean rooms in 4 preoperative and 4 operating rooms, without an operating table) to the facility: "Surgical building for 120 beds with a polyclinic for 200 p / shift OGAUZ" Tomsk Regional Oncological Dispensary ", commissioning, training in the rules of operation of specialists operating medical devices" has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 14 Oct 2021 for the country of Russia. It has been categorized on Operating tables & Medical equipments & Tables & Training services & Surgical instruments & Miscellaneous medical devices and products & Clinic construction work & Installation works of cleanrooms. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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