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Travaux de remplacement des châssis et vitraux des deux miradors du centre pénitentiaire de Borgo

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This tender with title Travaux de remplacement des châssis et vitraux des deux miradors du centre pénitentiaire de Borgo -- Replacement of the frames and stained-glass windows of the two watchtowers of the Borgo penitentiary center has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 14 Oct 2021 for the country of France. It has been categorized on Window frames & Glass for watches & Towers & Windows & Towers, lattice masts, derricks and pylons. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Replacement of the frames and stained-glass windows of the two watchtowers of the Borgo penitentiary center

General Information

Travaux de remplacement des châssis et vitraux des deux miradors du centre pénitentiaire de Borgo
Replacement of the frames and stained-glass windows of the two watchtowers of the Borgo penitentiary center
Invitation for Bids
14 Oct 2021
15 Nov 2021
Window frames , Glass for watches , Towers , Windows , Towers, lattice masts, derricks and pylons

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