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Đánh giá duy trì chứng chỉ ISO/IEC 17025 cho các phòng thí nghiệm VILAS 880, 211, 212, 212 tại XN Cơ điện Vietsovpetro” (DV-131/21-PAT; datnb.hq@vietsov.com.vn)

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This tender with title Đánh giá duy trì chứng chỉ ISO/IEC 17025 cho các phòng thí nghiệm VILAS 880, 211, 212, 212 tại XN Cơ điện Vietsovpetro” (DV-131/21-PAT; datnb.hq@vietsov.com.vn) -- Assessment and maintenance of ISO/IEC 17025 certificates for laboratories VILAS 880, 211, 212, 212 at Vietsovpetro Electromechanical Laboratory” (DV-131/21-PAT; datnb.hq@vietsov.com.vn) has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 13 Oct 2021 for the country of Vietnam. It has been categorized on Electromechanical equipment & Laboratory building construction work. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Assessment and maintenance of ISO/IEC 17025 certificates for laboratories VILAS 880, 211, 212, 212 at Vietsovpetro Electromechanical Laboratory” (DV-131/21-PAT; datnb.hq@vietsov.com.vn)

General Information

Đánh giá duy trì chứng chỉ ISO/IEC 17025 cho các phòng thí nghiệm VILAS 880, 211, 212, 212 tại XN Cơ điện Vietsovpetro” (DV-131/21-PAT; datnb.hq@vietsov.com.vn)
Assessment and maintenance of ISO/IEC 17025 certificates for laboratories VILAS 880, 211, 212, 212 at Vietsovpetro Electromechanical Laboratory” (DV-131/21-PAT; datnb.hq@vietsov.com.vn)
Invitation for Bids
20211033983 - 00
13 Oct 2021
2 Nov 2021
Electromechanical equipment , Laboratory building construction work

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