
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Лот 1 — Костюм рабочий и кепка рабочая в количестве 200 штук. Лот 2 — Ботинки рабочие в количестве 200 пар.

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This tender with title Лот 1 — Костюм рабочий и кепка рабочая в количестве 200 штук. Лот 2 — Ботинки рабочие в количестве 200 пар. -- Lot 1 - Worker suit and work cap in the amount of 200 pieces. Lot 2 - Work boots in the amount of 200 pairs. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 05 Oct 2021 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Calf boots & Climbing boots & Football boots & Boots & Ankle boots & Knee boots. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Lot 1 - Worker suit and work cap in the amount of 200 pieces. Lot 2 - Work boots in the amount of 200 pairs.

General Information

Лот 1 — Костюм рабочий и кепка рабочая в количестве 200 штук. Лот 2 — Ботинки рабочие в количестве 200 пар.
Lot 1 - Worker suit and work cap in the amount of 200 pieces. Lot 2 - Work boots in the amount of 200 pairs.
Invitation to Tender
5 Oct 2021
18 Oct 2021
Calf boots , Climbing boots , Football boots , Boots , Ankle boots , Knee boots

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