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Sửa chữa nhà che dầm và vận chuyển vật tư về kho

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This tender with title Sửa chữa nhà che dầm và vận chuyển vật tư về kho -- Repairing the house covering the beams and transporting materials to the warehouse has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 27 Sep 2021 for the country of Vietnam. It has been categorized on Warehouse stores construction work & Beams & Construction work for warehouses. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Repairing the house covering the beams and transporting materials to the warehouse

General Information

Sửa chữa nhà che dầm và vận chuyển vật tư về kho
Repairing the house covering the beams and transporting materials to the warehouse
Invitation for Bids
20210952950 - 00
27 Sep 2021
4 Oct 2021
Warehouse stores construction work , Beams , Construction work for warehouses

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