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Услуги по изготовлению наклеек социальной рекламы по вопросам раздельного сбора ТКО на контейнеры и мусоровозы Заказчика

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This tender with title Услуги по изготовлению наклеек социальной рекламы по вопросам раздельного сбора ТКО на контейнеры и мусоровозы Заказчика -- Services for the production of social advertising stickers on the issues of separate collection of MSW on containers and garbage trucks of the Customer has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 27 Sep 2021 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Refuse collection services & Litter collection services & Advertising and marketing services & Advertising stickers and strips & Large containers & Tanks, reservoirs, containers and pressure vessels & Advertising services & Vehicles for refuse & Refuse-collection vehicles. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Services for the production of social advertising stickers on the issues of separate collection of MSW on containers and garbage trucks of the Customer

General Information

Услуги по изготовлению наклеек социальной рекламы по вопросам раздельного сбора ТКО на контейнеры и мусоровозы Заказчика
Services for the production of social advertising stickers on the issues of separate collection of MSW on containers and garbage trucks of the Customer
Invitation to Tender
27 Sep 2021
30 Sep 2021
Refuse collection services , Litter collection services , Advertising and marketing services , Advertising stickers and strips , Large containers , Tanks, reservoirs, containers and pressure vessels , Advertising services , Vehicles for refuse , Refuse-collection vehicles

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