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Suministro y Colocación de dos módulos contenedores metálicos adaptado a viviendas monoambiente y un modulo contenedor para vivienda de dos dormitorios. Se debera ajustarse al Pliego de Condiciones.-

World Biggest Tenders Source

This tender with title Suministro y Colocación de dos módulos contenedores metálicos adaptado a viviendas monoambiente y un modulo contenedor para vivienda de dos dormitorios. Se debera ajustarse al Pliego de Condiciones.- -- Supply and Installation of two metal container modules adapted to studio apartments and a container module for a two-bedroom house. It must comply with the Specifications.- has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 24 Sep 2021 for the country of Uruguay . It has been categorized on Installation services of metal containers & Modules. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Supply and Installation of two metal container modules adapted to studio apartments and a container module for a two-bedroom house. It must comply with the Specifications.-

General Information

Suministro y Colocación de dos módulos contenedores metálicos adaptado a viviendas monoambiente y un modulo contenedor para vivienda de dos dormitorios. Se debera ajustarse al Pliego de Condiciones.-
Supply and Installation of two metal container modules adapted to studio apartments and a container module for a two-bedroom house. It must comply with the Specifications.-
Invitation to Tender
24 Sep 2021
5 Oct 2021
Installation services of metal containers , Modules

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