
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Переговоры по выбору организации на дополнительные работы по устройству земляных шурфов, зондажей и вскрытий в строительных конструкциях, сопутствующих археологическим раскопкам и комплексным научным изысканиям , а также соответствующие работы по восстановлению покрытий и озеленения по объекту №128.07/20 "Реставрация и приспособление под историко-археологический музей комплекса Старого Замка по ул.Замковая, 22 в г.Гродно". 2 очередь.

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This tender with title Переговоры по выбору организации на дополнительные работы по устройству земляных шурфов, зондажей и вскрытий в строительных конструкциях, сопутствующих археологическим раскопкам и комплексным научным изысканиям , а также соответствующие работы по восстановлению покрытий и озеленения по объекту №128.07/20 "Реставрация и приспособление под историко-археологический музей комплекса Старого Замка по ул.Замковая, 22 в г.Гродно". 2 очередь. -- Negotiations on the choice of an organization for additional work on the installation of earth pits, soundings and openings in building structures, accompanying archaeological excavations and comprehensive scientific research, as well as appropriate work on the restoration of coatings and landscaping for object No. 128.07 / 20 "Restoration and adaptation for historical the archaeological museum of the Old Castle complex at 22 Zamkovaya Street in Grodno. 2nd stage. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 24 Sep 2021 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Castle construction work & Construction work for research buildings & Archaeological services & Covered or partially-covered excavations & Covered or partially-covered railway excavations & Construction materials & Miscellaneous building structures & Structures and parts of structures & Restoration work & Scientific installations & Excavating and earthmoving work & Preservation services of historical sites and buildings & Covered or partially-covered road excavations & Construction work for buildings relating to education and research. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Negotiations on the choice of an organization for additional work on the installation of earth pits, soundings and openings in building structures, accompanying archaeological excavations and comprehensive scientific research, as well as appropriate work on the restoration of coatings and landscaping for object No. 128.07 / 20 "Restoration and adaptation for historical the archaeological museum of the Old Castle complex at 22 Zamkovaya Street in Grodno. 2nd stage.

General Information

Переговоры по выбору организации на дополнительные работы по устройству земляных шурфов, зондажей и вскрытий в строительных конструкциях, сопутствующих археологическим раскопкам и комплексным научным изысканиям , а также соответствующие работы по восстановлению покрытий и озеленения по объекту №128.07/20 "Реставрация и приспособление под историко-археологический музей комплекса Старого Замка по ул.Замковая, 22 в г.Гродно". 2 очередь.
Negotiations on the choice of an organization for additional work on the installation of earth pits, soundings and openings in building structures, accompanying archaeological excavations and comprehensive scientific research, as well as appropriate work on the restoration of coatings and landscaping for object No. 128.07 / 20 "Restoration and adaptation for historical the archaeological museum of the Old Castle complex at 22 Zamkovaya Street in Grodno. 2nd stage.
Invitation to Tender
24 Sep 2021
28 Sep 2021
Castle construction work , Construction work for research buildings , Archaeological services , Covered or partially-covered excavations , Covered or partially-covered railway excavations , Construction materials , Miscellaneous building structures , Structures and parts of structures , Restoration work , Scientific installations , Excavating and earthmoving work , Preservation services of historical sites and buildings , Covered or partially-covered road excavations , Construction work for buildings relating to education and research

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