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Adquisición de productos veterinarios para el proyecto implementación centro de mejoramiento genético ganado bovino en el valle central de tarija solicitado por la unidad pecuaria del servicio departamental agropecuario sedag del gobierno autónomo departamental de tarija

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This tender with title Adquisición de productos veterinarios para el proyecto implementación centro de mejoramiento genético ganado bovino en el valle central de tarija solicitado por la unidad pecuaria del servicio departamental agropecuario sedag del gobierno autónomo departamental de tarija -- Acquisition of veterinary products for the project implementation of the center for the genetic improvement of cattle in the central valley of tarija requested by the livestock unit of the departmental agricultural service sedag of the autonomous departmental government of tarija has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 21 Sep 2021 for the country of Bolivia. It has been categorized on Livestock & Agricultural services & Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products & Agricultural and horticultural products & Agricultural machinery. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Acquisition of veterinary products for the project implementation of the center for the genetic improvement of cattle in the central valley of tarija requested by the livestock unit of the departmental agricultural service sedag of the autonomous departmental government of tarija

General Information

Adquisición de productos veterinarios para el proyecto implementación centro de mejoramiento genético ganado bovino en el valle central de tarija solicitado por la unidad pecuaria del servicio departamental agropecuario sedag del gobierno autónomo departamental de tarija
Acquisition of veterinary products for the project implementation of the center for the genetic improvement of cattle in the central valley of tarija requested by the livestock unit of the departmental agricultural service sedag of the autonomous departmental government of tarija
Invitation to Tender
21 Sep 2021
Livestock , Agricultural services , Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products , Agricultural and horticultural products , Agricultural machinery

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