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تقديم الات وتجهيزات لإعادة مواد الكلينكر المخزن الى مطاحن الاسمنت عن طريق الناقل المطاطي /012/ للخطين الأول والرابع

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This tender with title تقديم الات وتجهيزات لإعادة مواد الكلينكر المخزن الى مطاحن الاسمنت عن طريق الناقل المطاطي /012/ للخطين الأول والرابع -- Providing machines and equipment to return the stored clinker materials to the cement mills through the rubber conveyor /012/ for the first and fourth lines has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 21 Sep 2021 for the country of Syria. It has been categorized on Parts of conveyors & Cement & Elevators and conveyors & Conveyors & Leather and textile fabrics, plastic and rubber materials. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Providing machines and equipment to return the stored clinker materials to the cement mills through the rubber conveyor /012/ for the first and fourth lines

General Information

تقديم الات وتجهيزات لإعادة مواد الكلينكر المخزن الى مطاحن الاسمنت عن طريق الناقل المطاطي /012/ للخطين الأول والرابع
Providing machines and equipment to return the stored clinker materials to the cement mills through the rubber conveyor /012/ for the first and fourth lines
Invitation to Tender
21 Sep 2021
Parts of conveyors , Cement , Elevators and conveyors , Conveyors , Leather and textile fabrics, plastic and rubber materials

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