This tender with title Hạ tầng kỹ thuật quy hoạch xây dựng chi tiết, tỷ lệ 1/500 các điểm dân cư thôn Phú Mỹ, thôn Yên Quả 1, thôn Yên Quả 2, xã Trung Thành, huyện Nông Cống -- Technical infrastructure detailed construction planning, scale 1/500 of residential areas in Phu My village, Yen Qua 1 village, Yen Qua 2 village, Trung Thanh commune, Nong Cong district has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 16 Sep 2021 for the country of Vietnam. It has been categorized on Scales & Residential homes construction work & Construction work for subsidised residential accommodation & Weighing machinery and scales. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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