This tender with title ADQUISICIÓN DE SEMILLA DE PALTOS - ADQUISICIÓN DE SEMILLA DE PALTO VARIEDAD SUTANO para el proyecto: "Creación del servicio de un vivero municipal para la producción de plantaciones frutícolas en las localidades de Yunguilla y Ponto Viejo del Distrito de Ponto-Provincia de Huari-Departamento de Ancash-I ETAPA -- AVOCADO SEED ACQUISITION - SUTANO VARIETY AVOCADO SEED ACQUISITION for the project: "Creation of a municipal nursery service for the production of fruit plantations in the towns of Yunguilla and Ponto Viejo in the District of Ponto-Province of Huari-Department of Ancash-I STAGE has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 13 Sep 2021 for the country of Peru. It has been categorized on Cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and nuts & Fruit, vegetables and related products & Planting and maintenance services of green areas & Stage construction works. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.
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