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Étude de l'annuaire hydrologique pour l'élaboration des barèmes et des courbes des tarages au niveau des stations hydrologiques dans la zone d’action de l’Agence du Bassin du Guir Ziz Rheris.

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This tender with title Étude de l'annuaire hydrologique pour l'élaboration des barèmes et des courbes des tarages au niveau des stations hydrologiques dans la zone d’action de l’Agence du Bassin du Guir Ziz Rheris. -- Study of the hydrological directory for the development of scales and rating curves at hydrological stations in the action area of ​​the Guir Ziz Rheris Basin Agency. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 23 Aug 2021 for the country of Morocco. It has been categorized on Oceanography and hydrology services & Geology, oceanography and hydrology services & Scales & Weighing machinery and scales. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Study of the hydrological directory for the development of scales and rating curves at hydrological stations in the action area of ​​the Guir Ziz Rheris Basin Agency.

General Information

Étude de l'annuaire hydrologique pour l'élaboration des barèmes et des courbes des tarages au niveau des stations hydrologiques dans la zone d’action de l’Agence du Bassin du Guir Ziz Rheris.
Study of the hydrological directory for the development of scales and rating curves at hydrological stations in the action area of ​​the Guir Ziz Rheris Basin Agency.
Invitation to Tender
23 Aug 2021
16 Sep 2021
Oceanography and hydrology services , Geology, oceanography and hydrology services , Scales , Weighing machinery and scales

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