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Pengadaan Sarana Pendukung Penerimaan Prajurit TNI Kebutuhan Panpus Mabes TNI, Jakarta

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This tender with title Pengadaan Sarana Pendukung Penerimaan Prajurit TNI Kebutuhan Panpus Mabes TNI, Jakarta -- Procurement of Supporting Facilities for Reception of TNI Soldiers for the Needs of the TNI Headquarters Panpus, Jakarta has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 20 Aug 2021 for the country of Indonesia. It has been categorized on Reception services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Procurement of Supporting Facilities for Reception of TNI Soldiers for the Needs of the TNI Headquarters Panpus, Jakarta

General Information

Pengadaan Sarana Pendukung Penerimaan Prajurit TNI Kebutuhan Panpus Mabes TNI, Jakarta
Procurement of Supporting Facilities for Reception of TNI Soldiers for the Needs of the TNI Headquarters Panpus, Jakarta
Invitation for Bids
20 Aug 2021
Reception services

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