
World Tenders & Procurement Opportunities

Выбор инженерной организации для осуществления функций организатора процедур государственных закупок по выбору подрядной организации на строительство объектов мелиорации земель.

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This tender with title Выбор инженерной организации для осуществления функций организатора процедур государственных закупок по выбору подрядной организации на строительство объектов мелиорации земель. -- Selection of an engineering organization to perform the functions of an organizer of public procurement procedures for the selection of a contractor for the construction of land reclamation facilities. has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 18 Aug 2021 for the country of Belarus. It has been categorized on Land reclamation services & Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work & Consultative engineering and construction services. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

Selection of an engineering organization to perform the functions of an organizer of public procurement procedures for the selection of a contractor for the construction of land reclamation facilities.

General Information

Выбор инженерной организации для осуществления функций организатора процедур государственных закупок по выбору подрядной организации на строительство объектов мелиорации земель.
Selection of an engineering organization to perform the functions of an organizer of public procurement procedures for the selection of a contractor for the construction of land reclamation facilities.
Invitation to Tender
18 Aug 2021
23 Aug 2021
Land reclamation services , Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work , Consultative engineering and construction services

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