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33600000-6 - Фармацевтична продукція (Натрію хлорид (Sodium chloride)

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This tender with title 33600000-6 - Фармацевтична продукція (Натрію хлорид (Sodium chloride) -- 33600000-6 - Pharmaceutical products (Sodium chloride) has been published on Bidding Source portal dated 16 Aug 2021 for the country of Ukraine. It has been categorized on Blood substitutes and perfusion solutions. For similar tenders you can see tenders mentioned below of this page.

33600000-6 - Pharmaceutical products (Sodium chloride)

General Information

33600000-6 - Фармацевтична продукція (Натрію хлорид (Sodium chloride)
33600000-6 - Pharmaceutical products (Sodium chloride)
Invitation to Tender
16 Aug 2021
31 Aug 2021
Blood substitutes and perfusion solutions

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